Dr. Rahav Dor, Ph.D.

Novel Decentralized algorithms
My research pioneers a novel decentralized systems paradigm and articulates a groundbreaking theoretical model for distributed systems. This is the first disruptive diversion from the classical model, following 40 years of research and industrialization of distributed systems by great minds. The new decentralized architecture inspires a new way of thinking in the field of distributed systems. We have mathematical proof that the model I theorized is correct and empirical results to match.
For the high-tech industry, the paradigm is poised to profoundly impact smart home technology, industrial control, car to car communication, Blockchain, PubSub middleware, space missions and interplanetary communication.
Decentralized algorithms Story
I defended my doctoral dissertation in December 2023, where I hypothesized the existence of a novel decentralized system. Novel, because it operates on fundamentally different principles than the classical models. In the dissertation, I proved mathematically that this new system model allows decentralized controllers to make consistent decisions, and its availability and reliability asymptotically reach 100% while the classical systems degrade.
One upshot is that we now have a provably consistent, decentralized control system with autonomous controllers, which vastly improves reliability and allows for continuous operation even during severe network perturbations, electronic and other interference, and loss of controllers. I had time to build one system based on this theory, an emulated smart home. Indeed, empirical results confirm that a system built with this new architecture yields higher performance standards than the current state of the art along vital dimensions, such as reliability, responsiveness latency, or failover time, and locality.
After we filed for patents, to bring these ideas to a broader audience, I've crafted an engaging talk that reviews the historical perspective, explains how and why we arrived at the current state of the art, and highlights the unique features and potential impact of this new paradigm, particularly in the smart home market (though the technology has applications across various industries, this focus simplifies the presentation):
Stop Kicking your Smart Home Controller
Will we ever achieve a genuinely reliable smart home that functions seamlessly?
How did we end up here? Why are we using "smart" systems to turn on chandeliers but not to manage essential, safety-critical appliances?
Can our society and families truly support aging in place without a reliable system that helps people live independently at home?
Do computers always make the right decisions? Can multiple computers working together ensure reliable and accurate control decisions, even in the face of network failures or other anomalies?
Does the emperor have a Wi-Fi connection?
Recent scientific discoveries allow us to build decentralized control systems enabling the promised smart home. Where is the industry heading with this technology?
The smart home has been hyped for well more than a decade. Tech giants jumped on the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution, promising connected and smart homes. Suddenly, your toaster wasn't just a toaster but a "smart bread-browning solution with IoT capabilities." Never mind that it frequently didn't connect to anything other than the kitchen counter.
For consumers, the smart home became a frustrating reality of disconnected gadgets, unreliable performance, and unfulfilled promises. Studies have repeatedly shown that users are frustrated with their smart home systems, e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], expressing a range of negative emotions such as anger, guilt, and regret [1]. Despite all the advancements, the vision of a dependable, smart home has remained elusive—until now.
In my recent Ph.D. research, I developed a groundbreaking decentralized system paradigm designed to tackle the core issues facing today's smart homes, including unreliable connectivity and the ability to make correct control decisions, even in the face of interference. This new approach can potentially transform the smart home and vital industries such as industrial manufacturing, blockchain, and the internet of cars.
Beyond commercial applications, this paradigm may have broader societal impacts. For example, NASA's space missions could benefit from lighter spacecraft that still maintain fault-tolerant systems for autonomous operations in space. National security agencies like DARPA may leverage this technology to develop more resilient infrastructure, ushering in a new era of intelligent, reliable technology that strengthens our national security.
​[1] D. Marikyan, S. Papagiannidis, and E. Alamanos. Cognitive dissonance in technology adoption: A study of smart home users. Information Systems Frontiers 2020 25:3, 25:1101–1123, 7 2020.
​[2] J. Newman. The smart home is flailing as a concept – because it sucks, FastCompany 2021.
​[3] K. Adzo. Most common problems with smart home technology systems, 2022.
​[4] Ted G. "The smart home is dead," Says a Key Industry Expert, 2021
​​​[5] K. Maxwell. Smart home disappointment will hinder adoption, 2019.
​​[6] T. W. Hnat, V. Srinivasan, J. Lu, T. I. Sookoor, R. Dawson, J. Stankovic, and K. Whitehouse. The hitchhiker's guide to successful residential sensing deployments. Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, pages 232–245, 11 2011.


Provably consistent decentralized system

Autonomous Control


Why Banyan?
Banyan is a tree that develops accessory trunks from adventitious aerial roots, allowing the tree to spread outwards indefinitely. As the Banyan grows, its topology resembles a grove of trees, with every trunk connected directly or indirectly to the primary trunk. At the time of writing my dissertation, some Banyans had reached a longevity of around 500 years.
This wonder of nature reminds me of decentralized controllers, available over long durations and providing highly reliable and continuous operations.